
May 27, 2009

To make math more fun for Ralphie his teacher decided to "be cool" she said
" hey Ralphie can i ask you a question?"
He said "only if i can ask you one..."
She agreed and continued,
" if there are three birds on a fence and i shoot one off how many are left?"
He said " none they all fly away at the gunshot"
 She said " i like the way you are thinking"
"Now its my turn, there are three woman on a bench, they all have ice cream, one is biting one is licking and one is slurping, which one is married?"
Blushing she told him "the one who is slurping"
"No the one who has the wedding ring but, i like how you are thinking"


A few jokes I've heard

May 27, 2009
Dead baby jokes ( just for the record i do not hate babies)

Whats more fun than throwing a baby off a roof?

Catching it with a pitchfork!!!!

Whats the difference between a pile of dead babies and my car?

The pile of dead babies is in my garage!!!!

If you have any good jokes post them for me.


May 22, 2009
Welcome to this blogging site, Every one is welcome to come chat here tell me the news that is going on around the world or locally, please do not get too obscene but have fun.........


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